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Lakeside Camping

Watch Out for those Gas Pumps

Lessons learned about the importance of learning how to avoid the gas pump at gas stations

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Imagine this: You're ready to get your weekend started and you need to gas up your tow vehicle with your RV (travel trailer) attached. You attempt to go to the gas station you always stop at when you're traveling but this is really the first time you'll have your rig with you.

You attempt to pull up to the pump where your gas cap is on your tow vehicle. Mine just happened to be on the left hand side. I swing around only to realize that I'm too close to the cement poles surrounding the gas pumps. So you attempt to back up. I'm a novice, and backing up with my travel trailer attached was very difficult at the time.

Result: I tore off the entire left siding of my travel trailer as I tried to navigate around the pumps.

Lesson Learned: Avoid Tight Spaces with your RV or Motorhome

Things to consider when pulling into gas stations:

  1. Check the awning and make sure you're not going to have any problems with the height of the awning and your RV or motorhome.

  2. Make sure you have enough room to safely navigate around the pumps and surrounding areas. I generally look at gas pumps as a drive-thru. I want to EASILY be able to pull directly (straight) into the area where the pump is without turning. This is normally the end pump locations.

  3. Maintain your distance from the pump so you can navigate if you have to. Most gas pumps have enough hose length to get to your tow vehicle.

  4. EVALUATE, EVALUATE, EVALUATE - before you pull into a gas station.

  5. While you're there take the opportunity to check your fluids, hit the restroom and clean your windshield if necessary.

  6. If the gas station has dedicated pumps for RVs, motorhomes or semi-trucks, use that location. For this, I normally look for places such as Loves, Pilot or other big rig gas centers while traveling.

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